Mess in Malaysia

                                                          Time to soar, Malaysia

What's the difference between a five star rated Broadway show and the political scene in Malaysia ? The political scene in Malaysia is much more intriguing and exciting.

I rarely speak about politics in my blog but I really do feel entitled to at this stage in time. Malaysia has been on a downward spiral like nothing that has been seen before. We have our Prime Minister being accused of putting his hand in the RM2.6 billion cookie jar, our much loved politicians ranting about racial issues , the absolute demise of the exchange rate of the ringgit and much much more.

I would like to say that Malaysia is my country and I love it a lot. Nothing will change that. That's why it hurts to see the slow death of my own country in the hands of some really dodgy hands.

Bad news never stop appearing on my Facebook home page which saddens me. Sometime it angers me. And sometime it amuses me like a barrel of laughs. Most of that laughing was due to our pretty pathetic politicians speaking shit that would not look out of place, coming from the mouth of your regular 8 year old.

Corruption again rears its ugly head with PM Najib being accused as the main culprit. I truly believe in the saying, innocent till proven guilty. So, I shall give him the benefit of the doubt. Alas, he doesn't exactly screams , '' I'm innocent ! '' .  Sacking your deputy and having the MACC ( a dodgy anti-corruption ministry ) declare that the couple billion ringgit in your bank account came from DONATIONS ! Hmmm, not a smart move, Jib Kor.

I'm quite sure being ridiculed is not a fun thing to experience. Which makes me question why the ministers in our country continue to use their ass to talk instead of their brain ? I mean the brain has the medulla oblongata, cerebrum, celebellum and so much more. Use it. Please. I beg you. If you don't have anything good to say ( which is pretty much 99% of the time ), then don't say anything at all.

This is why, yours truly shall impart some advises to the politicians in Malaysia that unfortunately represents us Malaysians to the outside world. You are welcome, Mr. Najib.

Firstly, get a PR officer assigned to every minister in the Cabinet. Tell them what to say, and most importantly what NOT to say. Don't tell the Chinese and Indians to go back to China and India. That's career suicide. Don't tell to burn any Bibles or any religious texts. Yes Ibrahim Ali, you buffoon . Don't talk about closing down vernacular schools. Don't talk about the superiority of your own race. Just don't.

Furthermore, stop being a dick and censoring everything in sight that is not up to your liking. From the R-rated movies that we wish was R-rated in the cinemas to the daily newspapers every day, we are under the era where information is free, just that Malaysia gives you the middle finger when trying to access it. I fully support the freedom of the press, and if you can't take the news however bad it is, then you're simply not fit to be a politician. Dishing it out is easy but when it is the other side of the coin, things ain't too rosy, is it ?

I guess my most important advice would be to get rid of individualism in the context of races. Forget about Malay superiority because it simply does not exist in this multicultural country we live in. Politicians need to remember that they are representing not the Malays, nor the Chinese or the Indians
 but every single Malaysian out there. At the end of the day, all of this three major races will have to move together as one. Don't single out even one of them just because you are one of the races. It's bullshit. I may be Chinese, Asyraf may be Malay and Sharman may be Indian but we have something in common, our Malaysian-ness.

Use this common thing we all share. Each and every one of us 30 million Malaysians out there. Instead of we the Malays / Chinese/ Indians, let's use the term Malaysians. Heaven knows, it is one beautiful noun that is not used as much by everyone that it is criminal.

When I look back , I realise that Malaysia is not only mine. It's ours. The Malaysians elected you. Don't embarrass, screw us in the ass or fail us again. The price of failure is fairly steep and I hear it's about RM 3.9 to USD 1 now. Enough is enough.
