Time to takeoff to a new adventure, year 2016. Picture credits to yours truly.
With just a few weeks before the year ends, it's a good time for me to reflect on a very interesting year, not exactly for the right reasons.
Basically, my year has been studying in INTI and meeting new people in my life. Honestly, that's it. I wouldn't say I have achieved plenty because I really haven't. And I don't expect to. I'm only 18 and perhaps all of my choices this year didn't fare out too well, the positives are there if I look harder.
Definitely learned that SPM is pretty much meaningless now. They gave us a certificate a few months ago and I have not took it out of my file since. It's just a stepping stone into the new chapter in my life which does sound insulting to SPM but it is the unadulterated truth . I would like to say that my experience and memories made in high school is much more important that the exam itself.
I found out the myth of college is partially untrue. I guess it pretty much stems down to my viewing of American college movies where hot girls are everywhere to be seen and public display of affection is a real norm. Guys and girls get it on every day in colleges with condoms at the ready. Well, I wouldn't say I was brainwashed but I'll say I've been misinformed. I should really sue.
There are pretty good looking girls in my campus but that's pretty much it. It really feels like high school except with better facilities and much higher upkeep. I'm going to go on a stretch here and compare girls in my college to the glass china you see at the shop. They look so amazing but yet you can't touch them. Not unless you put in a huge effort to obtain them if you want them. I've been in the INTI gallery countless of times throughout the year, and I can recognize girls by their faces but not their names.
Before you say anything, it's not stalking. I'm in the gallery because I have to be there. Like every day. Blame my eyes for being so perceptive. And my brain for storing these kind of useless data instead of the phase difference of a constructive wave.
At time of writing, I believe I'm still a virgin and I've not seen any lewd acts being carried out just yet. Another myth debunked. I should have a mini show in Mythbusters.
Before you say anything, it's not stalking. I'm in the gallery because I have to be there. Like every day. Blame my eyes for being so perceptive. And my brain for storing these kind of useless data instead of the phase difference of a constructive wave.
At time of writing, I believe I'm still a virgin and I've not seen any lewd acts being carried out just yet. Another myth debunked. I should have a mini show in Mythbusters.
SS15. The apparent main draw of the two colleges, INTI and Taylor's Subang Jaya. Where food is esteemed to be of top quality and low prices. A big area encompassing hundreds of square miles with food eateries, hipster cafes, cyber cafes, entertainment centres and much more. Surely I have a huge amount of choices in eating and spending time everyday? Nope. Not at all. Bewildering, I know but the harsh truth is there.
Money talks and if you have money like those Taylor's students , you may , just may be able to enjoy the luxurious college life that you and me had envisioned when entering college for the first time. Unfortunately, I am an INTI student with low income compared to those Ferrari riding snobbish upstarts .
Two words. Chap fan. Also known as economy rice. Half of my college life has been spent pondering on the monumental decision of what to choose for my final dish in chap fan so I can get lunch for less than RM 5 . I'll reiterate that I do not go to eat economy rice three times a week by choice. It's an okay meal for lunch but not to die for. I do it because my friends and I are penniless in college standards. 96. 96. 96. 96. A number that is simply not a number anymore but a legendary and iconic symbol of my time in college.
Obviously, I go for other food. The Foh Foh fried rice, Uncle Seng noodles, the occasional mamak food and even those burger joints for a rare celebration of having excess money to spend . I know what you Subang kids be asking right now in their little quacking Armani boots, WHAT ABOUT ASIA CAFE, IT IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR GOD DAMN COLLEGE YOU UNGRATEFUL WHINING LITTLE BITCH ?!
Well, I'll start by saying - mind your language, god. And secondly Asia Cafe has to be the most overpriced food court in the history of Malaysia. It also doesn't help that the food there is really bad. When you have bad and expensive food , you get an enraged Melvin and also a well-known vow by Baik Kai Shan to never return to that shitty place ever again. Basically, my friends and I have not been to Asia Cafe for half a year now. It's dead to us.
Card games have surprisingly became a huge part of the lives of my circle of friends. Honestly, prior to entering college, I always thought we'll do something, well something productive and meaningful. Instead, at the first sign of a break in between classes, the pens are put down and the pack of cards are immediately shuffled expertly and distributed to the empty tired hands of us students without fail. It used to just be just Blackjack and Big Two but we soon realized we were limiting our creative and inquisitive minds to just poker cards. So we started playing Monopoly Deal.
SPM leavers, take note. This is how to succeed in college life.
When the first few months of 2015 passed by, I realized that I was an absolute nobody in college. Nearly anyone knew who I am and it gave me a fresh and clean slate. I could be anything I wanted to be. No longer dragged down by my past and only having myself as the sole executioner of my new identity. I did not plan anything crazy like to be the most recognizable face in INTI but I wanted to make a real impact in the lives of many people. Hmm. Maybe I should have done plastic surgery.
What a shame, that my current identity in college doesn't defer much from my high school life. Old habits die hard and to my credit, I think I did well to not bring my embarrassing bullshit from high school to college. Then, I picked up really irritating lines that I used on a daily basis. It's not even an intelligent or snappy line which frustrates the hell of me.
And after all that, I'm still just another geek in college after a whole damn year.
Mission accomplished.
Okay, not really. But I'm fine.
Some things never changed though. Newcastle is unfortunately still a really bad team that I am still supporting. Bulls still losing to Lebron's team. I'm luckless in love. Inferior in intelligence in class. Basketball and futsal skills are still pretty rough around the edges. Well, at least I'm still in touch with most of the guys from my high school class of '14 so that's a plus.
But with the new, there must be some changes in place, by nature .
2015 has taught me how to let go easy. Some of the friends I made over my high school years have now condemned me to their ' Who the fuck are you? ' list which has gone pretty well with me which is a peculiar way of seeing things. Some, I was close to but has travelled to the far regions of the Earth and promised to kept in touch. Their word, as I found out were as good as dogshit.
Glad to say more has stayed than left. Even some of the ones I was not even that close to has come to be pretty good friends . And I've even have more friends than ever thanks to the college life I've lived. It's a new me. I have to embrace it, don't I ?
Simply put, the main lesson of the year was things will change. It is up to all of us on how to handle the change appropriately. Either panic or go with the flow.
I would like to think that I handled it as good as I could.
Thank you 2015, for the laughs and love you gave me. And screw you for the bullshit you sent my way. Which was way too much. Seriously , enough bullshit. Thanks.
Here's to a better year . Cheers for reading my ramblings for another year.
Come on 2016.
Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho.
What a shame, that my current identity in college doesn't defer much from my high school life. Old habits die hard and to my credit, I think I did well to not bring my embarrassing bullshit from high school to college. Then, I picked up really irritating lines that I used on a daily basis. It's not even an intelligent or snappy line which frustrates the hell of me.
And after all that, I'm still just another geek in college after a whole damn year.
Mission accomplished.
Okay, not really. But I'm fine.
Some things never changed though. Newcastle is unfortunately still a really bad team that I am still supporting. Bulls still losing to Lebron's team. I'm luckless in love. Inferior in intelligence in class. Basketball and futsal skills are still pretty rough around the edges. Well, at least I'm still in touch with most of the guys from my high school class of '14 so that's a plus.
But with the new, there must be some changes in place, by nature .
2015 has taught me how to let go easy. Some of the friends I made over my high school years have now condemned me to their ' Who the fuck are you? ' list which has gone pretty well with me which is a peculiar way of seeing things. Some, I was close to but has travelled to the far regions of the Earth and promised to kept in touch. Their word, as I found out were as good as dogshit.
Glad to say more has stayed than left. Even some of the ones I was not even that close to has come to be pretty good friends . And I've even have more friends than ever thanks to the college life I've lived. It's a new me. I have to embrace it, don't I ?
Simply put, the main lesson of the year was things will change. It is up to all of us on how to handle the change appropriately. Either panic or go with the flow.
I would like to think that I handled it as good as I could.
Thank you 2015, for the laughs and love you gave me. And screw you for the bullshit you sent my way. Which was way too much. Seriously , enough bullshit. Thanks.
Here's to a better year . Cheers for reading my ramblings for another year.
Come on 2016.
Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho.
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